Fee Information

ALS&A Charges

We are very conscious that clients want to avoid high legal bills. We always explore the cost benefit with clients and in many cases, we may be able to offer flexible payment options.

The Fee Earners hourly rates range from £121 to £375 +VAT depending upon qualifications and experience.

Although we provide clear and tailored costs estimates depending upon the specific needs of your case, our fees can range between the following:

Residential Conveyancing

Buying a house
Our average legal fees to act on the purchase of a property are £1,500.00 plus VAT to £15,000.00 plus VAT depending upon the value of the property

Selling a house
Our average legal fees to act on the sale of a property range is £1,500.00 plus VAT to £15,000.00 plus VAT depending upon the value of the property.

In addition to our fees, you will have to pay certain third-party costs.

Potential third-party costs*

  • Notice of transfer fee: This fee if chargeable is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between 0 – £500 plus VAT
  • Notice of charge fee:(if the property is to be mortgaged) – This fee is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between 0 – £500 plus VAT
  • Deed of covenant fee: This fee is provided by the management company for the property and can be difficult to estimate. Often it is between 0 – £250 plus VAT
  • Certificate of compliance fee: To be confirmed upon receipt of the lease, as can range between 0 – £250 plus VAT
  • HM land registry fee: Fee calculator
  • Search fees: From £225 – £300 plus VAT – prices could increase subject to location of the property

*These fees vary from property to property and can be significantly more than the ranges given above. We can give you an accurate figure once we know who the management company and/or freeholder are. The notice fees are set by the management company/freeholder, and we have no control over these charges.

Prices and disbursements are subject to change dependent on factors including property value.

Commercial Property / Leases

£1,500 to £15,000 +VAT depending upon the value of the transaction and disbursements

Family / Divorce

In a straight forward divorce case, we may be able to finalise all matters at an approximate total cost of £2,000 +VAT and disbursements. This Firm encourages all parties to settle cases early to bring a swift resolution to an already difficult time.

If we are unable to settle the matter early, the costs could range between £5,000 to £15,000 +VAT. We find that most of the Firm’s divorce cases settle within this bracket.

In a complex and high value case, the costs could be between £25,000 to £50,000 +VAT and disbursements. At regular stages, we will review the issue of costs to ensure that there is a cost benefit to the client at all stages.

Children cases can range between £5,000 to £15,000 +VAT and disbursements although if heavily contested this can increase up to £25,000 +VAT and disbursements.

We will consider all funding options including payment plans, or a Sears Tooth Agreement where appropriate to ensure that clients have access to appropriate legal advice even in circumstances where they cannot afford immediate payment.

Commercial / Civil Litigation

We can conduct cases such as Landlord & Tenant Matters, Employment Tribunal Claims, Small Track Claims and/or Debt Recover matters on a Damages Based Agreement. Our fee usually ranges between 25% to 35% of the damages recovered.

Our usual fee estimates for a claim falling within the Fast Track and/or Multi Track can range between £15,000 to £25,000 +VAT and disbursements. Assuming that the client is successful, we will seek to recover most of those costs from the other side.

Alternatively, our fee estimates can range from £500 to £75,000 +VAT and disbursements depending upon the issues and the complexities of the case.

Company Law

We can prepare Shareholders Agreements and advise with regards to company procedures from as little as £1000.00 depending upon the complexities involved. In some cases, this can increase to £1,500 to £3,000 +VAT if the matter involves a high value transaction.

We can also advise in relation to Company procedures and/or mergers and acquisitions and our fees usually range from £2,500 to £15,000 +VAT depending on the value of transaction and the client’s objectives.

Wills and LPA
  • £350 +VAT simple single Will
  • £550 +VAT simple mirror Wills
  • £650 +VAT complex Wills
  • £450.00 +VAT per LPA plus disbursements (single person)
  • £650 +VAT if having both Health and Finance LPA plus disbursements (single person)
  • £650 +VAT per LPA plus disbursements (two persons)
  • £1000 +VAT if having both Health and Finance LPA plus disbursements (two persons)
Probate (England & Wales)

How much does probate cost?
Please note that our fixed or estimated fees for Probate work is based upon a matter having standard features. They give an indication of the likely range of prices in most instances. However, if your matter has non-standard features such as complex property, family relationships, dispositions or risks, then we may not be able to assist you for the fees shown on our website. In that instance we may give you an alternative fee quote based on hourly rates or further fixed or estimated fees. To get a more specific, no obligation, quote for your matter please feel free to complete the contact form on this page and we will contact you give you some more information. There will be no hard sell. We will just let you know what your options are and then you decide.

Grant of probate/grant of letters of administration only where no Inheritance Tax is payable – £1,200 plus third-party costs (disbursements)* and VAT
Executors/administrators can then deal with the administration of the estate after we have obtained the grant for them.

If Inheritance Tax is payable or there are other tax matters arising, we will agree a fee with you based on the hourly rates of the person dealing with the matter. Our average hourly rate for them is £275 plus VAT.

Dealing with entire estate (obtaining grant, collecting in assets and distributing to beneficiaries)
For average estate values which are under or above £325,000 with or without inheritance tax payable, where this is the case, our average prices are: 3% of the gross value of the estate plus third-party costs (disbursements)* and VAT.

*Third party costs

  • Probate Court fee of £155
  • £1.50 for each office copy of the grant required (1 per asset usually)
  • £3.00 HM Land Registry official copy entry
  • £2 bankruptcy search
  • £10 plus VAT for electronic ID search
  • HM Land Registry registration fees based on scales and the value and status of the property – between £30 and £200.

Other third-party costs will be advised as required, e.g. accountant’s fee for potential income tax return, statutory advertisement fee to advertise for unknown creditors, asset tracing fee

There may be additional third-party costs for lost share certificates and share registrar and/or sale agent fees on transfer or sale of the shares

S27 Advertisements in the London Gazette and a local newspaper in from £150 – £300 depending on the local newspaper advertising costs

Stockbroker fees – £25 – £150 depending on the number of shareholdings to be dealt with

How long does probate take?
The probate procedure involves the personal representatives valuing the estate’s assets, taking from this any debt amounts and then notifying the probate registry what the value of the remaining estate is. The length of time involved largely depends on what is in the estate. If there is a house, then it will depend on the housing market and how quickly a sale can be agreed. If there are only bank accounts, then you may be able to get the grant within about two months. If there are shares, it could take longer. The more wide-ranging the types of assets there are in an estate, the longer it could take. If inheritance tax has to be paid, the values of the assets in an estate may have to be agreed with the Inland Revenue and this could take time.

Key stages and what is included in our pricing

If you instruct us to obtain a grant only and you administer the estate, then the key stages and what is included in our prices is:

  1. Preparing the relevant HMRC forms and Statement of Truth from the probate valuations obtained by you
  2. Placing statutory advertisements (if required)
  3. Carrying out a Certainty Search if required
  4. Helping you to ensure that the relevant HMRC forms and Statement of Truth are correct and suitable to be signed
  5. Lodging your application for the Grant of Representation at the Probate Registry
  6. Providing you with the Grant of Representation and sealed copies

If you instruct us to obtain a grant and administer the estate, then the key stages and what is included in our prices is:

  1. Valuing the estate assets
  2. Obtaining details of outstanding debts
  3. Arranging payment of the funeral from estate funds (if required)
  4. Placing statutory advertisements (if required)
  5. Carrying out a Certainty Search if required
  6. Preparing the relevant HMRC forms and Statement of Truth
  7. Arranging payment of Inheritance Tax where necessary
  8. Helping you to ensure that the relevant HMRC forms and Statement of Truth are correct and suitable to be signed
  9. Lodging your application for the Grant of Representation at the Probate Registry
  10. Collecting in the assets
  11. Paying the debts from estate funds
  12. Liaising with HMRC in respect of income tax for the current tax year up to date of death
  13. Instructing an accountant to complete additional tax returns (if required)
  14. Preparing estate and distribution accounts
  15. Distributing the estate to the beneficiaries

*Not included in the price are the sales fees on properties, estate agency, taxes and HMLR fees.

Probate (Caribbean)

We usually find that our Probate matters are finalised at a cost of between 2% to 6% depending on the value of the estate and disbursements.

Download Schedule of Fees for Jamaica 2024

Immigration Solicitor Costs

The information on this page aims to provide private individual clients information regarding our fees for immigration applications, appeals, judicial reviews and nationality matters. These fees are exclusive to private individuals and are not applicable to commercial clients.

Our approach towards each case is bespoke and we aim to identify the weaknesses and strengths, and develop each case based on its own merits combined with the expertise of our dedicated immigration team.

Our fees are reflective of our client-centred and tailor-made approach to serving clients in the most accurate and best possible manner. We take pride in providing a high level service and believe only your success will result in our success.

Initial Fixed Fee Consultation
We offer a no obligation, fixed fee consultation with a fully qualified immigration solicitor. This is a 60 minute personal consultation to provide tailored advice on your specific queries.

Costs for Initial Fixed Fee Consultations:

  • £150.00 plus VAT

During the consultation we will advise you of your rights and any course of action that is available to you. We will advise you as to the merits of pursuing the matter and the prospects for success, with an estimate of the costs that will be incurred in the case.
We will review any previous refusals, identify any difficulties and complexities with your case to work out the best course of action. We will apply the law to your case and on agreeing fees, we will open your file and formally accept you as a client of the firm.

Immigration Fixed Fees
Download document of fees

Additional Information
Where factors exist with your matter that may result in additional work, such as the need for a higher degree of attention, care, mitigation, representations, etc… this will be indicative of the hours we will need to spend on your case and may result in higher fees being charged. Our experience has shown that the following scenarios may result in a higher fee being charged in accordance with the level of skill, experience and input of time required on our part.

  • Where your matter does not meet the immigration requirements and will require discretion to be exercised by the deciding authority.
  • The complexity of legal or procedural issues involved.
  • Where the application is being made and any particular additional services you wish to use.
  • Previous criminal or civil convictions.
  • If we are required to liaise with third parties in support of your matter.
  • Adverse immigration history – previous overstaying, refusals or breach of conditions, non-compliance with Immigration, etc…
  • Previous behaviour that raises good character issues.
  • Whether the application is an initial one, an extension or an application for indefinite leave to remain.
  • The urgency of the matter with deadline and working unsociable hours.
  • Any undisclosed information that was not revealed to our firm and/or the relevant authorities.
  • The level of documentation available and any issues in obtaining or providing this.
  • Exceptional circumstances that require mitigation (particularly in protracted matters that require extensive examination and representation).
  • Whether there are any dependants and their personal circumstances which may affect the matter.

Basis of Charging: Fixed Fees & Hourly Rates
We have set out the hourly rates for our lawyers within a three-tier system that is reflective of the different levels of seniority, expertise, experience and knowledge our clients benefit from.

Our standard starting hourly rates are as below and may be higher depending on the individual case:

  • (Tier 1) – Senior Lawyer –  £275.00 plus VAT
  • (Tier 2) – Senior Lawyer –  £275.00 plus VAT
  • (Tier 3) – Senior Lawyer –  £275.00 plus VAT

Further details of individual experience and qualifications of our lawyers can be found under our About Us page.

All matters are supervised by a partner of the firm and therefore all matters will require the involvement of a partner. In some instances your matter may be crossed between the tiers at different stages depending on the complexity of the matter.

We offer competitive hourly rates but understand the wish of clients to have certainty as to their total liability in respect of costs. Therefore, in many cases we are willing offer a fixed fee in respect of our costs and this will be tailored, according to the work that we anticipate will be involved, the complexity of the case and the seniority of the lawyer required.

The time spent on each case van vary from 5 hours to 60 hours depending on the nature, history, compliance and complexity of your background, circumstances and documents. It is impossible to confirm the fixed fee or hourly rate and total anticipated costs your case may incur, until we complete the initial consultation stage and obtain a clearer picture and plan of action with all your required documents forwarded to us. Our fixed fees as indicated are more achievable for a client where you satisfy the immigration criteria and can provide all required documents, with there being no obvious obstacles in your case that could result in an unsuccessful application or appeal.

Where fixed fees are not possible to charge, our time is charged at hourly rates that comply with professional guidance and depend upon the seniority of the lawyer involved.

Initial Consultation (Part 1) –Telephone / Email
Clients contact the office by phone, email or enquiry via our website. This leads to a direct conversation or email communication with one of our lawyers.  At this stage we communicate with you to review your case and understand the issues, your immigration history and objectives going forward. The aim here is to work out the best level of lawyer suited to your case and arrange thereafter the main initial consultation at our offices or via video conferencing. It is also important to establish an understanding of your needs, issues and any concerns you have at this stage regarding your matter, the rules, guidance and process.


Initial Consultation (Part 2) – Meeting with Lawyer
Following the initial communication, every case continues with a fixed fee consultation at a time and date agreed with you. The fixed fee consultation is important to work out the best strategy and direction of your case, allowing us to work out the most suitable plan of action and how to achieve this.

Cost for Initial Consultation:

  • Senior Lawyer  £180 inclusive of VAT

The consultation will allow for 1 hour and we will advise you of your rights and any course of action that is available to you. We will advise you as to the merits of pursuing the matter and the prospects for success, with an estimate of the costs that will be incurred in the case. During this consultation we will review any previous refusals, identify any difficulties and complexities with your case, to work out the best course of action. We will apply the law to your case and on agreeing fees, we will open your file and formally accept you as a client of the firm.

Should you choose to instruct our firm, as have many previous clients, you will benefit from a high level service divided into the following:

  • Taking initial (full) instructions from you and to provide an assessment and advice on the requirements that you will need to meet, and whether you meet the criteria; if you do not satisfy the criteria, we will discuss whether and how this can be best overcome.
  • Providing advice on which documents and information will be needed to support your case.
  • Advising on the application submission options and procedure, including likely timescales.
  • Reviewing the documents that you will provide in support of your case.
  • Where necessary, liaising with third parties to obtain further documents in support of your case.
  • Drafting representations, grounds of appeal and witness statements in support of your case.
  • Preparing the relevant forms and documents and submitting the application, representations and supporting evidence to the UKVI and booking the required appointment.
  • Representing you at the tribunal hearings/appeals.
  • Attendance at the Home Office interview or assisting with mock interview practise; if the Home Office ask you to attend an interview, we will give you clear advice (and discuss the possibility of us attending with you, where applicable).
  • All communication between the UKVI and other agencies concerning your application/appeal until we receive a written decision in your case.
  • Giving you advice on the outcome of the application and any further steps required. Also explaining your new immigration or nationality status, including information about how to remain compliant with your visa conditions and the eligibility criteria for extensions, indefinite leave to remain and nationality.


  • Home Office Appeal fees -£140.00 for Oral Appeal and £80.00 for paper Appeals. (no vat)
  • Counsels Fees  – TBA
  • Home Office fees  – TBA
  • Immigration Health Surcharge – Adult £1,035.00 per year Children & Students £776.00. (no vat)
Repossession Actions

At Astute Dynamic we offer the following fixed fees (inclusive of vat and court fees) for each stage of tenant eviction up to and including the first and hopefully only court hearing. Accordingly, as long as the claim is determined the first time it goes before a judge (and most claims are) then the fees you see below will be the fees you pay. Please note that the below does not apply to squatters or trespassers as they are not tenants.

Stage 1 – Case review, £250
Whether you are evicting a tenant or tenants due to the expiry of the tenancy (under section 21) or due to rent arrears or other breach of tenancy (under section 8) you will need to initially consider and decide what route you wish or indeed can take. This decision will involve careful consideration of your situation and your paperwork. We are happy to meet with you at our offices to do this or alternatively the case can be reviewed from the paperwork you provide and after speaking with you on the telephone. For case review – £250 plus VAT.

Stage 2 – Service of notice, £150 plus VAT
Once we have considered your case and you have decided how you wish to proceed you will then serve the relevant notice. For service of the notice – £150 plus VAT.

Stage 3 – Court Proceedings, £1,350 plus VAT
Should your tenants fail to comply with the requirements of your notice you must bring your claim to Court to obtain an order for possession against your tenants. The cost of this stage includes any attendance necessary for the first, and hopefully only, consideration of the claim by a judge. For issue and progression of the claim up to the first consideration by the judge – £1,350 plus VAT and court fees. · Stage 4 – Eviction, £250 inclusive of VAT Although the Court would have made an order for possession the tenancy continues until it has been lawfully brought to an end by you via the execution of a valid warrant or writ of possession. To apply for a warrant of possession and organisation of the county court bailiffs and eviction day – £250 inclusive of vat and court fees (based upon you or your agent attending the eviction and excluding the costs of any locksmiths).

For further information or to discuss our fees, please contact the head of department responsible for the service you require.

Astute Dynamic Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number: 632641. We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), reference number: ZA229681. Astute Legal Solicitors & Advocates is the trading name of Astute Dynamic Ltd: registered in England and Wales under Company Number: 9863426. Registered Officer: 36-37 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TL. A list of the Directors is available for inspection at our Registered Office. Our professional rules are set out in the SRA Code of Conduct 2011. http://www.sra.org.uk/handbook/. This information is provided in accordance with the Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulation 2002. Astute Dynamic does not accept service of documents via email.
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